and you’d like to remain on my e-mail list (I often send out reminders and notices that I do not mail through the postal service), please let me know and I will change it right away.
If you are on this list, you are subscribed. If you know someone who may enjoy my occasional tips, please ask them to go to my website, www.minnichgardendesign.com; at the bottom of the homepage they can “sign up for updates from Jeff Minnich”.
“Like” my Facebook page at the bottom of the homepage at my website, www.minnichgardendesign.com, or search on Facebook.
I blog occasionally about my garden/garden experiences. Please visit. You can see the blog if you go to the website, www.minnichgardendesign.com and hit the “blog” tab at the top of the page. Or copy and paste this link: www.minnichgardendesign.com/blog
During these continued tough economic times, I am especially grateful for your business and trust. The joy I receive from collaborating with you makes for me a rich and full working life. Many, many thanks! I wish you happy holidays and a happy, healthy and prosperous 2012.
All best wishes,